Name: Monarda didyma
Name: Scarlet Bee Balm, Oswego Tea
Zone: 3 to 7
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Soil Moisture: Medium, Moist, Wet
Soil Types: Moist, Sand, Loam, Clay
Fertility: Medium to Rich
pH: 5 to 6.8
Bloom Time: July, August, 6 Weeks, Species Color is Scarlet
Habit: A
vigorous perennial wildflower growing 3to 4 ft tall. It spreads by an aggressive rhizomatous root
system to form large colonies. Mint like aromatic foliage s resistant to deer
browsing. Stiff upright stems are topped by showy rounded clusters of scarlet-red
tubular flowers in mid to late summer. Flowers bloom sequentially over an
extended 6-week period. Nectar rich
flowers attract numerous pollinator insects.
Bee balm thrives in moist to wet
organic rich soils in sunny to partially shaded locations. It can be found in
disturbed areas such as drainage ditches, and right of ways, in wet meadows, moist
open woodlands, stream banks, flood plains and wet seeps.
It is an often used garden perennial
with many cultivars offerings providing a range of color choices. But only use the species for planting
and naturalize in the wild.
It should be widely planted because
of its deer resistance, hardiness and rapid spread and attractiveness to